ANSTOPRG.ZIP 35,212 08-07-95 Converts ANSI file to .PRG file.
ATMCLOCK.ZIP 18,680 07-16-95 The Atomic Clock v1.1 Dated:07/16/95 TheAtomic Clock through a ghost event will setyour TBBS System Clock in sync with the USAtomic Clock in Washington, DC. The AtomicClock is the most acturate computer clock
around. The program will even take intoconsider- ation the time it takes in gettingthe
BLCKJACK.ZIP 24,787 05-25-95 Uchat Game - Black Jack for Ultrachat
BLWH15.ZIP 30,267 08-28-95 Best Little Whore House Adult Oriented gamewhere you try to be the Best Pimp on theblock. Race to be the Biggest. Mulit-userwith online attacks. TDBS Required.
BROWSR13.ZIP 18,668 05-15-95 *Share* A gopher like file browser for TDBS
CALLDEM2.ZIP 53,559 08-10-95 Last Few Callers
CP23DEMO.ZIP 548,600 05-16-95 Control Panel 2.3 User Manager
CSPACEV1.ZIP 25,086 07-12-95 CyberSpace 1.0 TDBS req. Online Game Buysites in CyberSpace move around and attackothers. Buy and Sell Information Investmentin Bonds and CDs. Build ICE to keep the Punksfrom stealing your hard earned cash. Fully
Functional shareware version 1.0.
DCHATJOK.ZIP 12,177 05-10-95 JOKE command to display jokes in ultrachat
DCHATTRV.ZIP 22,147 05-17-95 Trivia Game For Ultra Chat
DIALDIR.ZIP 45,223 08-03-95 TDBS Dialer for Phone and Internet
DMATCH.ZIP 17,510 05-10-95 User Matchmaker Program with UCHAT interface
DMOANSRF.ZIP 11,903 05-10-95 Create A User Manual For UCHAT moans.
DRAGON5.ZIP 132,397 08-10-95 DRAGONSTALKER Final! KeyFile to REG.
FILEOM.ZIP 183,264 05-29-95 FileOM, Norton Commander Clone for TBBS
FRS20.ZIP 96,795 05-27-95 FTS Corp. FRS v2.0 File Retrieval System forTBBS/TDBS: Place an unlimited number of fileson your BBS regardless of the number ofCD-ROM drives you have! Your users can browseOFFLINE file listings in FTS PRO normally,
but FRS allows them to actually request thesefiles for later download. You can then useFRS's advanced
FSERVER.ZIP 19,998 05-27-95 TBBS 2.3 Remote Staging Server Pgm!
FTSFRENC.ZIP 91,549 05-27-95 File Transfer System PRO v2.0 [FRENCH]
FTSGERMN.ZIP 92,061 05-27-95 File Transfer System PRO v2.0 [GERMAN]
FTSPRO20.ZIP 1321,549 05-29-95 FTS Corp. FTS PRO v2.0 File Transfer SystemPRO for TBBS/TDBS FTS PRO is an enhanced filesystem for TDBS. Allows File Tagging, BatchDownloading, and Batch Uploading throughhighly intuitive RIP/ANSI/NON-ANSI
interfaces. FTS PRO allows scrolling up anddown through directories, utilizing ascrollbar when in RIP mode. Best feature ofFTS PRO is unique File Management
FTS_S150.ZIP 32,848 07-04-95 FTS FileStats v1.50i Dated: 07/04/95 FTSFileStats is a on-line file Statisticsprogram written for FTSPRO. It will work withall versions up to v2. FTS FileStats is onlyuse full for systems running TBBS/ TDBS that
are also running FTSPRO (File Transfer SystemProf). FTSPRO is one of the best file systemswe have seen to
GCHAT120.ZIP 76,655 08-03-95 GhostChat! v1.20 *DEMO* GhostChat! is acomplete unattended chat simulator that usesartificial intelligence based on keywords andresponses. Since all of the text iscompletely configurable, it can be used as a
"System Tour Guide", a "Hot Chat with Lisa",a "Personal Psychologist", or anything elseyou can come up with. GhostChat! requiresTBBS 2.2+ and TDBS 1.2+.
IADRRES.ZIP 3,488 09-02-95 FREE, Internet user address format disp.
LEMON3.ZIP 22,210 08-05-95 Non-expired LEMONADE STAND IN THE HOOD demo
MATES.ZIP 382,357 07-24-95 Simulated Adult Chat
PAGER120.ZIP 57,536 07-16-95 The TBBS Pager! v1.20 Dated:07/14/95 ThePager! is a program that will call a user'spager whether it is a Display Pager, or AlphaPager and notifty them that they have NewMail waiting to be read. It will also page a
user if another pages them if they so wish.The Pager has a lot of varables and quite
PCB2TBBS.ZIP 30,671 05-12-95 Pc-Board to Tbbs file directory translator.
PMAIL20.ZIP 154,356 05-27-95 FTS Corp. ProMail v2.0 PROMAIL for TBBS/TDBS:Alleviates the problem of creating TBBS menuentries for numerous mail conferences.Organize message boards into a hierarchyusing the intuitive setup utility. ONLINE
interface allows users to browse the mailareas, reading, scanning, and enteringmessages. ProMail even provides a point andclick
PRS10.ZIP 621,696 05-27-95 FTS Corp. PRS v1.0 ProSearch for PC-DOS andOS/2: CopyIt/2 based option module for FTSPRO. Indexes file names, descrip- tions &allows searching via CopyIt/2. Extremely highspeed AND/NOT/OR keyword searches. NO impact
on BBS machine.
PSTAT20.ZIP 530,653 05-27-95 FTS Corp. ProStat v2.0 Statistical reportgenerator for FTSPRO Automatically buildsconfigurable reports on number of files, newfiles, kBytes, & number of downloads for filedirectories, areas, and whole system.
PVIEW20.ZIP 82,327 05-27-95 FTS Corp. ProView v2.0 PROVIEW for TBBS/TDBS:Provides an advanced interface for ONLINEtext databases. The viewer allows users tobrowse text files, scrolling both backwardand forward. Includes RIP interface. Supports
compound searching in text files.
RANDOM20.ZIP 70,936 05-27-95 FTS Corp. RandFile v2.0 Random File Displayfor TBBS/TDBS: This TDBS application displaysa random ASCII/ANSI/RIP file ONLINE to yourcallers. The random file is chosen from astandard directory mask. Randfile comes in
useful for multiple opening screens, periodicreminders, and other BBS enhancements.
RBIZ.ZIP 29,550 08-28-95 Risky Business TDBS Required In RiskyBusiness you are the owner of a sales force.You must find salepersons, Book flights forthem to various cities and then send them ontheir way. You also must make sure the SEC
and other agencys don't want to shut youdown. Oh you'll want to find some goodlawyers to help with your legal dealings. Putthem on retainer but every so often you haveto pay their fees again. The can
REGISTER.ZIP 2,528 08-03-95 Default Registration script w/ 1 line address
RFS20GUI.ZIP 1381,838 05-29-95 FTS Corp. RFS Reader v2.0 The Remote FileSystem [Reader] for OS/2 Warp, PC-DOS, &MS-Windows: The premier off-line file system.View a BBS's file libraries without beingconnected. RFS features an outstanding
graphical user interface which allows you toeasily mark files of interest for laterdownload. A fully integrated queue managementsystem automatically
RFS20TPG.ZIP 166,683 05-29-95 FTS Corp. RFS v2.0 Remote File System forTBBS/TDBS Off-Line file system featuring:On-Line FTS PRO atmosphere, Off-Line Easy andIntuitive Configuration Reduces User'sOn-Line Time Usage PC-DOS, MS-Windows, and
OS/2 Readers Distribute Readers Royalty Free
RIP2SYS.ZIP 225,186 05-25-95 FREE, Shows the power of a RIP 2.0 system
SORTOUT.ZIP 3,943 08-31-95 Sorts outbound mail/news for IPAD/TIGER
SPDEMO.ZIP 43,955 07-23-95 Spin To Win - Like Wheel of Fortune!!
STRATEGY.ZIP 4,672 09-04-95 August 17th press release re: eSoft strategy
SUE-INFO.ZIP 2,371 09-16-95 Simple User Editor (User-Management Software)for TBBS Systems.
SWARS.ZIP 103,249 08-28-95 Sector Wars A Multi Player Real time doorthat is similar to tradewars. Featuresinclude Online messaging and fights. Trade atports and get more cash. Go to the casino andlose it or win more. Buy more fighters and
holds so you can become the top trader. Buy aplanet and starbase or two to make morefighters. TDBS Required
SWISARMY.ZIP 14,108 05-20-95 Info on the Swiss Army Knife for your BBS
TBDESC31.ZIP 7,467 06-15-95 TBBSDESC v3.10 - 4DOS batch file uses AWK toreformat lengthy (up to 511-char) 4DOS filedescriptions for TBBS (type 46) DIR files.Handles arrows <.> and quotes in descriptionwithout trouble. For TBBS sysops.
TCMD20.ZIP 111,030 05-27-95 FTS Corp. TCOMMAND v2.0 TBBS Commander forTBBS/TDBS: Provides a highly intuitive methodfor accessing the TBBS menu options. Thisallows you to test your menu calls ONLINE,without shutting down to recompile them from
TDOORDTR.ZIP 6,362 06-22-95 Waitdv and batch file to help with tdoor prob
THEMAZE.ZIP 8,413 05-20-95 New sysop? No TDBS? Try The Maze game
TIMEDEMO.ZIP 14,091 06-08-95 TIME LINE TRIVIA cool date-trivia game
TIPX_RUN.ZIP 2,073 08-15-95 Batch Files & Setups for running TIPXi14
TSORT10.ZIP 566,464 05-27-95 FTS Corp. TICsort v1.0 TIC Sorter - Optionmodule for FTS PRO Automatically creates newfile directories for incoming TIC files asthey are received. Area descriptions arelooked up in
UPL130DM.ZIP 85,865 08-14-95 Upload Manager v1.30
URS20.ZIP 147,211 05-27-95 FTS Corp. URS v2.0 User Registration Systemfor TBBS/TDBS: The User Registration Systemautomates your BBS registration process,storing information for all users which canbe easily viewed ONLINE. Up to eleven
customizable data fields can be stored, andeach can be made active or required at anytime.
USS20.ZIP 168,844 05-27-95 FTS Corp. USS v2.0 User Subscription Systemfor TBBS/TDBS: Allows users to subscribe toyour system ONLINE with their creditcard/cash/check. It also provides a way tomanage all types of subscriptions. The
program manages expiration based onpredefined rates and will upgrade or resetthe user with TBBS compatible userlogtemplates.
VOTEDEMO.ZIP 39,507 06-24-95 The Voting Booth - For TBBS